Crescendo Decrescendo
Thanks for listening to Crescendo Decrescendo: Music & the Practicing Clinician! We're your hosts, Ben Vipler, Sam Porter, and Paul Haidet, three musically-inclined clinicians who started a podcast about medicine and music, healthcare and hearing, science and sound! In each of our episodes, we explore the parallels between music and medicine, and what they can learn from each other. Have you ever thought, "If this medical specialty were a music genre, what would it be, and why?" No? Well, we did! Come find out from us and our incredible musician-physician guests!
Crescendo Decrescendo
Anesthesiology - Opening Act
Join Ben, Sam, and Paul as they explore the parallels between the medical specialty of anesthesiology and various musical genres!
Mentions in the episode:
-Modular synthesizer
-Wendy Carlos
-Keith Emerson plays Bach backwards on his Hammond!
-Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith Buchla Music Easel
-Moog synthesizer
-John Cage: 4'33'' / Petrenko · Berliner Philharmoniker
-Mitch Hedberg
-The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army (Live at Bonnaroo 2007)
-Metallica: ...And Justice for All (original vs remastered)
-L.S. Dunes vs Thursday
-Tajbakhsh A, Salimi S, Daftarian N, Abtahi D. Effect of Music During General Anesthesia on Anesthetic Consumption During Vitrectomy Surgery. Adv Biomed Res. 2023;12:59. Published 2023 Mar 21. doi:10.4103/abr.abr_444_22
-J. S. Bach: Brandenburg Concertos
-Deliberate practice
-Designing a Hospital for Innovation
-Google’s ’20% rule’ shows exactly how much time you should spend learning new skills—and why it works
-When David Crosby Heard John Coltrane Play Saxophone in a Bathroom
-Thelonious Monk Quartet - 'Round Midnight